Everyone Ferocious the music video is about Jedward moving away from a bad situation! The person shaving their head is trying to stop them and trying everything in his power to stop their destiny but in the video you see that Jedward are unaware of this and keep living and moving forward through the struggle knowing that there is place they wanna be and it doesn’t matter if you are from the ruins of smashed glass and at the lowest of the low you can uplift your self from that and see a new path. Tara in the video represents someone who is more than what people say she is strong and can relate to John and Edward. In the video you see Tara leaving the hollywood hills life for a real life and thats friendship and when people stick together they are stronger and it doesn’t matter if someone tries to break you down, you always have your friends even if you all come from different worlds.
You can been the strongest person in the world but if you don’t stand up for yourself and people you love you are the weakest person so you gotta be Ferocious!
Download https://itun.es/i6gC5H6
It was magical sharing today with you all! Loads of fans 1st CD signing hope you add your Ferocious and Free Spirit CDs to your collections! For all the fans who could not be there it’s all good we know you are tweeting and downloading so thank you for sharing the love! It’s an exciting weekend and the concerts are the highlight you asking us questions it feels like a TV show and it’s cool performing new songs of our new album! It feels so new and fresh and hope you connect with the lyrics and the beats make you feel alive inside!
Fixing your hair! You be like …….
Gepostet von PlanetJedward am Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014
Hey Everyone!
Gepostet von PlanetJedward am Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014
Fangirls Rock! Send this if you are a Fangirl or know a Fangirl!
Gepostet von PlanetJedward am Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014
What's Up People! Watch this Now!
Gepostet von PlanetJedward am Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014
Jedward Free Spirit the Music Video is on iTunes to Download! Excited because we are excited! https://itun.es/ie/Q9-Q2